Thursday, June 3, 2010

Where has the time gone!

I canNOT believe that it's been almost 3 months since I've last posted. I can't even think of where to begin..and I don't even feel like writing much of anything so let me make a short story even shorter:

I PASSED! Yes..the dreaded 2nd semester is far behind me! It was rough..ROUGH!!! freakin' bad. I even failed 2 of the exams by like 2 points each but luckily, I started off the semester with high grades so it all equaled out. My GPA did go down but whatever. I passed and that's all that matters!

I also applied and interviewed for three summer externships...and I didn't get not one! I know..lemme give you a minute to recompose yourself. Craziness! But, even those have been affected by the economy...hospitals just don't have the money for these things so they are super choosy. Again..whatever. So, I'll be working at the hospital I've been working at since September. Which is crap too because I wanted an externship on my floor there but the hospital came up with some BS excuse of the nurses not seeing me as a nursing student..and still as a nursing assistant. Which is baloney because EVERYONE knows I'm a nursing student there..and they've let me do things that a regular nursing assistant wouldn't be able to do! But, my manager (who I think should have totally stuck up for me but say it with me now.."whatever") said I can work there any time I want over the summer. So, since I LOATHE waking up so early in the morning, I might be doing some extra 3-11 shifts. Right now, I'm doing my 2 shifts in 1 day by doing doubles, mainly on Fridays (M-Th, I'm substitute teaching). So, I may do 2 doubles a week and like a random 3-11 shift just to make it through the summer..we'll see. I'm also going to see if my manager will let me follow certain nurses in the get SOME type of externship feeling.

Right now, I'm in the middle of taking microbiology. I didn't have to do it as a pre-requisite because I can take in the summer. "Morgan" and I are in the class's the worst. M-Th 5p-9p (just like freakin' nursing school!) and the teacher is just ridiculous. The material is somewhat boring (do I REALLY need to know all of this stuff about DNA?) and he's giving us a bunch of busy work. The lab portions are kinda ok..but "Morgan" and I have no idea what we're Oh long as I get the coveted C..I'm good!

That's about it for now. Oh..I got a scholarship for my last year. Not a full-tuition, but a good that's helpful. So, for the next few weeks, I'll be finishing up micro, working, maybe do some traveling..and just getting myself relaxed before nursing school starts again in August.

Until then!