Friday, July 1, 2011

We aint in Kansas anymore!

Or rather, we aint in Jersey anymore! I can't believe I haven't posted in almost 2 months! I know, I know...I said I was going to do better. And I did have the right intentions! Just haven't been able to really follow them! what's been going on? LOTS!! I graduated on June 15th...YAY!!!!! The night before, I stayed up until 2am finishing the forsaken ATI tests that I needed to complete so that my affidavit of graduation could be sent down to the Texas Board of Nursing. I was so tired the next day but I was ready for graduation!

We had a graduation breakfast that was really nice. I invited both of my parents but my dad couldn't make it because he had gotten ill the night before. So, it was just me and my mom but that was ok. "Morgan" and "Candace" and their families were there as well. It was a great breakfast program. We received our caps and yearbooks during the breakfast program. My mom did a full page ad for me with a million funny pics of me! LOL! I mean, baby pics, pics when I was like eight...twelve..looking crazy! But, it was a great tribute. My dad did a half-page ad with pics of me and him that were really cute. And my girls did a half-page ad for me too! It was a total surprise!! I loved it!

That evening was the graduation and it was really nice! We did it old-school with the white dress uniforms, white jacket and white caps with the black stripe. People may think it looks crazy but I was full of pride wearing my white uniform! The cap looked like a boat on my head..but I was still wearing it with pride! I gotta post pics on here!

The next morning, I flew out of Jersey and headed down here to Texas! AND I left my cap on the airplane! I didn't realize it until after I got my baggage and we were getting our rental car. The lady in baggage claim called back up to the airplane but it was about to depart again and the guy she radioed claimed that he couldn't find it. I was so devastated because one of my favorite nursing instructors who had left the year before, came back to see us for graduation and she pinned my cap on me. So, I was devastated! The airline (who shall remain nameless!) still hasn't called me after I put a report in but I have another being mailed down. But, still..I don't understand why it hasn't been turned in yet. Who wants a nursing cap...besides another nurse?!?!

My car, furniture and majority of my clothes had already been picked up that Monday so I was all set in going. Mom came down with me and thank GOD she did! We had so much fun exploring San Antonio and Austin. She stayed with me for a little over a week and we just had a blast. At first she thought the heat was ok (and it really is because it's much drier than in NJ) but once we started hanging outside for hours...she was like..the heat was bordering on ridiculous! LOL! The humidity is higher in Jersey but it's never this hot and NEVER this consistently hot! But apparently, to have triple digits (over 100 degrees) so often, so early in summer is not common. Perfect timing for my move, eh? We both turned about 5 shades darker..but we had fun! I started work the next Monday and was in orientation all week. Mom received my car and furniture (including the furniture we bought down here) and put it all together! Thank God for moms!

I absolutely LOVE my job! I'm in an internship for the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). We have class every Tuesday where we go over a different system. Last Tuesday, it was Cardiac Day and we reviewed cardiac diseases, ICU drugs, pacemakers, yadda yadda ya. Almost all things involved in cardiac! Then we had skills labs where we went to different skills stations and reviewed more cardiac things. We also had homework (yes, homework!) in which we worked on case studies and were assigned questions. Sounds like a lot..but it really is a good review since we'll be working with very critical patients. This past Tuesday was Pulmonary (Respiratory) Day and we essentially did the same thing. But, I love my hospital and I'm really liking the people in my internship Everyone's nice during the honeymoon phase, right? Check back in 6!

Between classes (every Tuesday and special classes like a dysrhythmia class we took today)...and computer modules (in which we have to go through different topics and are tested at the end of each topic -- each of the 45!)...and a massive checkoff list..and other stuff that I'm too tired to type's a lot!! But, I'm enjoying every minute of it!

I haven't been on the floor yet to rotate through the unit because I JUST got my Graduate Nurse permit (in Texas, you can practice as a graduate nurse before you pass boards - under the leadership/watchful eye of a registered nurse. In NJ, in order to practice, you have to have passed boards. No such thing as a graduate nurse there anymore). Until I received it, the floor was off-limits and I spent my days in class or the library -- blah! But, now that I have my GN permit, I can hit the floor soon. Yay!

I also got my ATT (Authorization To Test) so now I can take the dreaded NCLEX to get my license! I set the date but I'm not sharing the date because I don't need the extra pressure...even from my blog followers ;-) But, once I pass, I'll definitely let you know! :-)