Thursday, August 4, 2011

Getting my HEART'S desire!!

I know I just posted but I also just found out that I got my heart's desire...the reason why I moved 1660 miles away from everything I know and love! I just received word that I got my top choice assignment -- Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit!! I'm going to be working with heart transplant patients!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Can you hear me scream?!?!?!

I feel so blessed and honored to be here, working at this great facility in the first place!! But, then to get exactly what I want and what I came here for...sweet icing on the cake!! I feel soo blessed and FAVORED by God!! Simply overjoyed!!

I know this feeling won't last forever because it will be replaced by nervousness and anxiousness. But, not fear because I'm learning to be more confident in myself and to know that I WILL be a fabulous CTICU nurse!

No time to celebrate tonight, though! Got work in the am! lol!

Destiny's Nurse, RN!! read right...RN!! I passed NCLEX!!! I literally found out yesterday at work. I had taken it on Monday and there's something called the "Pearsonvue Trick". So, once I got home and got the "good pop-up", I pretty knew I was set! I really didn't feel the NCLEX was that bad. Of course, I didn't think it was easy definitely should prepare. However, I felt like my school really prepared us well, with their ridiculous grading system and crazy exams. It felt like I really was taking another school exam. I'm just happy it's OVER and as soon as I get a second, I'm posting these NCLEX study books online and they are getting SOLD! Any takers? lol

Work is a going great! I've rotated through Surgical Trauma first, then Cardiothoracic (my fav!) CCCU (non-surgical cardiac..of which I spent only a half a day there because there were more interns that showed up than nurses and I got sent to another unit) and Medical. I've got to see so many amazing things and met so many nice people. I do feel a little overwhelmed and like I need to go home and look up so many things. I'm actually keeping a notebook of the things I come across and want to look up so that I can. I'm hoping it will help me out in the long run.

We were suppose to pick our top 3 choices next Friday but unexpectantly, we chose them on Tuesday! I haven't found out where I'm going yet but hopefully, we'll find out by the end of this week! My choices were #1 - CTICU, #2 - CCCU and #3 - STICU. Sooo...we'll see! Regardless of where I end up, I believe I'll be where I'm suppose to be!

One of those amazing things I talked about earlier was a Rotoprone bed. It's for those with severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Some theories say that the being in the prone position (on your stomach) helps to facilitate oxygenation for those with ARDS. And it kinda makes sense when you think about the pathophysiology of the disease and how being prone helps with "reduction in ventilation/perfusion heterogeneity with improvement in ventilation and reduction in shunt, mobilization of secretions, and improvement in functional reserve capacity."  But, enough of the big words. This is what I wanted to show you all!
Strap the patient in....
Turn 'em round and round...
Lay them on their tummy!

So yes, I have seen patients in that bed, as well as this one:

Fun times, I tell ya! :)