Thursday, June 25, 2009

Got that A!

I just got my grade from Anatomy & Physiology 2 and I got an A!! Whoo-hoo!!!!! I kinda already knew I was going to get an A. My professor told me and a friend that we had guaranteed As and we didn't have to take the last exam. But, being the people we are..we took it. Besides, it was on the Male/Female Reproductive systems and who doesn't know THOSE systems! ;-) Just joking! It was also on the Endocrine system. But, it didn't matter because I already knew I had it in the bag!

So, I have completed both A&P 1 (ended up with a B+) and A&P 2. Next stop, Chemistry..and that should be a totally DIFFERENT story. Lord, help!

P.S. Here are some nice pics from my A&P 1 & 2 classes. Enjoy! :)

Sheep's brain

Eye see you!

My friend Gus (he's cool with Cinderella)

Gus and I bonding

Gus crossed I had to do what any other woman would..I cut him...

I "heart" you!

Nice pair of lungs

The yellow stuff is fat covering the heart. The long "tube" is the trachea. Our professor (who is super cool) put a tube down the trachea..attached a plastic piece and asked if anyone wanted to blow! There were no takers (surprise, surprise) so he blew into it and it was cool to see the lungs collapse and fill with air!

Ahh...I'm going to miss A&P :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Allow me to introduce myself...

Welcome to my first post! Thanks for visiting! I decided to start a nursing blog because I've enjoyed reading about other experiences in nursing school and thought someone might enjoy reading mine! I will be entering nursing school in July 2009 (as of this writing, next month. Yikes!). I've worked corporate America jobs for about 6 years and have FINALLY decided to do what I was suppose to do 6 years ago..go to nursing school! However, I don't regret taking the road I did..because I've met some awesome people along the way who I now count as friends.

I chose the name "Destiny's Nurse" because we are all on a journey to our destiny..whatever it may be. The road leading to our destiny is sometimes more important than the actual destination. And I just thought it was a cool way to combine "Destiny" and "Nurse". So's not a shout-out to Destiny's Child *wink
Also, I know I'll have some interesting stories to to protect the innocent, guilty and plain dumb...all names and identifiable characteristics will be changed.

There are various ways to become a nurse - Diploma program, Associates program, Bachelor's program, Accelerated Bachelor's program, Direct-Entry Masters program. I chose a diploma program for a various reasons - most important, I wanted to have as much experience clinically as possible. I also love this particular school's history and knowing that they produce some of the best nurses in the state..just confirmed my reason in choosing this school. I also can do a RN-MSN program when I'm done since I already have my Bachelors degree in a non-nursing field. I hope to one day become a Critical Care Nurse Practitioner..but we shall see!

That's about all for now! I'm going to enjoy my two weeks of freedom before the grind really starts :)