So, I have completed both A&P 1 (ended up with a B+) and A&P 2. Next stop, Chemistry..and that should be a totally DIFFERENT story. Lord, help!
P.S. Here are some nice pics from my A&P 1 & 2 classes. Enjoy! :)
Sheep's brain
Eye see you!
My friend Gus (he's cool with Cinderella)
Gus and I bonding
Gus crossed I had to do what any other woman would..I cut him...
I "heart" you!
Nice pair of lungs
The yellow stuff is fat covering the heart. The long "tube" is the trachea. Our professor (who is super cool) put a tube down the trachea..attached a plastic piece and asked if anyone wanted to blow! There were no takers (surprise, surprise) so he blew into it and it was cool to see the lungs collapse and fill with air!
Ahh...I'm going to miss A&P :)
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