Monday, September 21, 2009

Who says As don't exist in nursing school?

Took my first nursing exam and I got an A!! Whoo-hoo!! A 96.3 to be exact! Given that an A is a 94 and higher..I'm pretty psyched!

Even though our grades won't be posted for another week, we were able to figure out what we got. The exam is 55 questions. We were told to mark our exams, fold them and leave them at our desk to go over later (we were actually told of this at the beginning of the semester). After we took the exam, we took a break for dinner (of course, as we ate...some of us ate together and went over questions that we remembered and potential answers). Once back to the room, we gathered our exams and were divided in groups and "re-took" the comparing all of our answers. Once we kinda had a consensus (some of the questions, the groups were split over an answer), the answers were posted on the screen above.

I knew I got 2 wrong (our grades are figured out by # of right - 53..divided by total number - 55) but some of the questions were question marks for my group..but I had gotten those right. I'm so excited! I know the exams are going to get harder..and I'm going to have to study harder..and with working 2's going to be super hard. But, I am DETERMINED! I want scholarships..and a good I am going to do what I need to to get what I want!

Just because I got an A..the studying doesn't end! I am about to stay up for a bit to go over clinical work. I am SOO tired..but I need to do it because I have nursing assistant orientation tomorrow morning at 8am..until 4pm. And then class from 5pm until 9pm. It never stops! I had to work this morning too! But, I won't complain.

Here's to more As in my future!! :)

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