Sunday, October 11, 2009

The only thing constant in life....

is change. And there are changes going on every day! The biggest one is early this week, I found out that they are closing my nursing school. Without going into to many details, the hospital the school is associated with has decided there essentially isn't any need for diploma schools. While diploma schools were the entry way into nursing years and years ago, times are a' changing and now there is a strong push for the BSN (Bachelors of Nursing) to be the entry level into nursing. I've noticed since I've entered school for nursing, that there is this underlying need for nurses to feel "validated" as far as their educational if they aren't professionals. So, maybe this is where this is all coming from. While I am totally for advancing your education within your field (I myself will be pursing a Master's in Nursing), I know a lot of diploma-prepared nurses that RUN CIRCLES around BSN nurses. I experienced that first hand while working at a city hospital years ago. I personally chose my program because of all of the clinical hours that we receive. But, that will all end with my class -- the last class of this school. The school will be taken over by a local college who doesn't have a nursing school. A bunch of BS to me..but whatever. As long as I stay on top of my studies during these 2 years (which will ultimately fly by), I will be good.

So, I'm off to studying again. MAJOR test tomorrow evening. And the math quiz had been postponed to this I'll have that to overcome on Wednesday!

My job as a nursing assistant is going well. I like my manager and the nurses there. Time will be coming up soon when I'll be applying to externships and I plan on talking to my nurse manager in getting an externship in one of the ICUs since she's over all of them.

Back to studying I go! :)

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