Tuesday, December 29, 2009

After all is said and done

I FINALLY got my grades for the semester..after what seemed like forever waiting for them. I already knew what my grades were based on what I had gotten on my tests and quizzes but I wanted to see them in person so *drumroll please* I ended up with a B in Nursing 110 and an A in Pharmacology. The crazy part is that they don't give us any number grades (even though we get number grades all semester with our tests). So, a B is anywhere between an 87-93. I figured out that I ended up with a 91.25..which normally would be an A..but nothing is normal at this school!

So, all in all, my cumulative gpa (with my other pre-reqs scores and such) is a 3.06 and my term gpa is a 3.1. Not nearly as high as I thought I would end up with..but I can't complain.

I'm on break now (Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year, etc., etc!) until next week so this week I plan on getting some pre-studying done. I start with fluid and electrolytes next week/semester (boring!) so I need to get a jump on everything. Pulled out my old A&P book and I'll get some reading done.

See ya next year!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The end is...HERE!

I cannot believe I am writing after my first nursing final exam! This semester has gone by so fast! But, I'm glad it's here because I need a BREAK! Albeit, 2 weeks break.

The final today was ok. The instructors gave us a blueprint of what would be on the exam..but nothing too specific. One instructor actually gave us the exact same questions from the unit exam..which was awesome! I waited for "Morgan" and "Candace" afterwards (I was the 2nd person done!) and duing the wait, as other people came out, we were comparing answers. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to end up with..I trust I didn't fail, though. There were 100 questions on the exam - 1point each - so you can only get 20 questions wrong to not fail. I don't think I got 20 questions wrong so I should be good.

Tomorrow is the pharm exam. 60 questions. So, 1 down and 1 more to go. Then I'm going to party, party, party afterwards! Ok..maybe not..but I'll definitely be relaxing!

Off to study for the last time in 2009! lol

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Last dance

Or rather last week of class and clinicals!! Which is exactly what it was this week. The first semester went by FAST! Of course, EVERYONE tells you that but you think you have so much time. Well, the time has run OUT!

I can't even say it's been rough..it's been ok. I started out on a high and then didn't do as well (didn't do as well means I didn't continually get As! lol) but I'm still doing well and I am looking forward to next semester (even though it's been said that it is the hardest semester. Teachers AND students alike have attested to that). I have 1 more unit exam and then 2 finals (for the general Nursing course and 1 for the Pharmacology course). I also have to complete a physical assessment and get my clinical evaluation. By December 16th, that will be all she wrote!

I hate to say it but I know everyone will not be coming back. And it will be interesting to see how that goes since the school is closing down. Time will only tell.

Well, I have a lot of studying to do so I'm going to get to it! :-)