I cannot believe I am writing after my first nursing final exam! This semester has gone by so fast! But, I'm glad it's here because I need a BREAK! Albeit, 2 weeks break.
The final today was ok. The instructors gave us a blueprint of what would be on the exam..but nothing too specific. One instructor actually gave us the exact same questions from the unit exam..which was awesome! I waited for "Morgan" and "Candace" afterwards (I was the 2nd person done!) and duing the wait, as other people came out, we were comparing answers. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to end up with..I trust I didn't fail, though. There were 100 questions on the exam - 1point each - so you can only get 20 questions wrong to not fail. I don't think I got 20 questions wrong so I should be good.
Tomorrow is the pharm exam. 60 questions. So, 1 down and 1 more to go. Then I'm going to party, party, party afterwards! Ok..maybe not..but I'll definitely be relaxing!
Off to study for the last time in 2009! lol
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