Thursday, January 20, 2011

Craziness in the CCU

First week in CCU and it was a tad bit overwhelming. Since I was in the burn unit last week and clinical was cancelled the 2nd day, this week was my first week there.

Yesterday, we didn't do much. Just assessments and "tubbies" as our instructor calls them (light bedbaths). Our patient was in his 90s (he didn't even look like he was that old) and basically "dead on the bed" as our instructor called it. He had been shocked like 10 times from the time EMS brought him in until the day before he was admitted (we got him on day 2 of admission). He takes Nitro to relieve chest pain with angina but apparently, it wasn't working on that day and he collapsed at home. So, he was brought in..yadda yadda ya. He is vented (meaning he's on a ventilator that is essentially breathing for him) with an ETT (endotracheal tube), has a NG (Nasogastric -- goes from the nose to the tummy) tube for feedings, 2 IV lines (one that he was receiving meds in and another one was a saline lock).

We are paired up in CCU with a partner and this week "Morgan" and I were paired up with him. We had some good times with tonight when we tried to give him a "tubbie" and were attempting to change the sheets from underneath him (remember "Morgan" and I's first bedbath?!?! Took us FOREVER and now we're Well, he's literally dead weight..he aint helping us to move at all! So, we're trying to log roll him and all and the vent machine is beeping all loud, alarms ringing from the monitor. We're like..what in the world! Yeah, we know he's probably at the end of his life and all..but we're not trying to get him there any quicker! So, we got like half the new sheet and padding up under him while rolled towards me but when he's rolled towards "Morgan" to get the old sheet and padding out and straighten out the new ones, alarms are going off and all. This happens AGAIN (I mean, I couldn't get the darn sheet and padding out for nothing -- all the while I'm thinking I'm about to pull all his tubes and all out. So, the nurse comes in (she was really nice with this patient and another one) and is like (in a joking manner) "What are you guys doing in here? Trying to kill my patient? I got alarms going off on the other side and I'm like the nursing students are killing my patient" LOL! We're like..not entirely. As we explain to her what we're trying to do, she's like..He's not going to like're moving him around but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. It's going to alarm..hit that button there and keep it moving. So, that's what we do..I'm like..let's go, "Morgan"..pull him towards you and I'm yanking this stuff out. Which I do. And he lived on. Amen. LOL.

Trying to get acclimated after a semester of babies, and mamas and crazies was a little trying. I hadn't hung or given any medications in FOREVER! So, it was a little crazy, hanging meds, attaching stuff, especially since our nurse was quizzing and joking and rushing us (not really rushing us..we were just slow..and It will take a little more getting used to but I'm definitely enjoying the experience. Cardiac and ICU are definitely the places I want to be :)

So, I'm suppose to spend the next two clinical weeks in the ER as a rotation but I'm switching with another student so I can spend more time in the CCU and less time on the med/surg floor from the beginning of nursing school.

5 more months, ya'll! :D But, first I gotta get through this cardiac exam on

1 comment:

  1. Mo....I love your blog! Your adventures are hilarious, kinda scary & quite educational for those of us who know NADA about nursing & medical stuff. Keep it up girl! ~Royale
