Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sleep deprived!

So, we have finally hit the ground..and more than running..we're more like flying! This week, we have officially started our 4th and final semester! *insert applause and loud cheers*

This is going to be a ROUGH semester. Even as I type this, I am yawning and so sleep deprived! So, Monday (2 days ago), was our orientation/school party and beginning of the cardiac segment for us evening students. It was good to see people again but it was like we just left them. Which we did, about 2 weeks prior!

We have a lot going on this sections. We start out in cardiac and even though we started the basics in cardiac 2nd semester, now we are building even more on it, for the critically-ill patient. So, we're talking disorder of the SA node, dysrhythmias, disorders of the ventricles, arrhythmias, MIs, coronary disease..the works. Then we move on to patients with acute alteration in oxygenation, which means those with ARDS (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome), acute asthma, pulmonary embolism and working with endotracheal tubes, ventilators, yadda yadda ya. Then we throw in there acute renal failure, renal transplant HIV. Next, people with GI problems, liver failure, endocrine problems (DKA, HHNK, Hypoglycemia, Thyroid Storm, etc.). And finally some burns and neuro problems. ALL from now until April...we are some busy bees!

Clinical will also be interesting. Sooooo, they have STILL split up me and my Nurseketeers...the nerve! While "Morgan" and I are back together, poor "Candace" is out in the other clinical group. I keep assuring her she'll be fine and I think the idea is settling in, but we'll see how it goes after next week. She's great in clinical so I know she'll be fine.

We'll spend have the semester in the CCU of one hospital and then the other half on a med/surg floor (the same one we started with first semester of school). I'm really looking forward to the CCU portion of the rotation but unfortunately, I'll be missing like half of it because of the extra rotations. We ALL (whole class) spends a day on the Burn Unit of yet another hospital and a day viewing open-heart surgery at the same hospital I had my original OR rotation. While the burn unit should be interesting (turns out we'll just be viewing the patients during hydrotherapy, where they essentially are using water to treat the burns and to remove the dead skin -- and is essentially painful), I'm really looking forward to the open-heart surgery. 2 representatives from each of those units came and spoke to our class today and both were really interesting. I have both of those rotations next week so I will definitely be updating ya.

Starting out in cardiac (which is probably going to be one of the hardest, if not THE hardest section of this semester) with one of the hardest instructors, is mind-blowing. The last hour of the first class Monday night, I honestly didn't even know what she was talking about. Crazy! But, I hit the books that very night and started working on my notes and reading. The first exam is literally in 3 weeks. She keeps saying the work is hard and difficult. She even had the nerve to say the first class, "Wait until you see my exam." Excuse me?!?!, I'm adhering to her warning..and also asking her lots of questions!

Which brings me back to my original statement -- I'm so sleep deprived already..and it's only been the 3rd day! Working full-time and going to school full-time is NOT fun..but I only have a few more months and it will be all worth it!

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