Tuesday, December 29, 2009

After all is said and done

I FINALLY got my grades for the semester..after what seemed like forever waiting for them. I already knew what my grades were based on what I had gotten on my tests and quizzes but I wanted to see them in person so *drumroll please* I ended up with a B in Nursing 110 and an A in Pharmacology. The crazy part is that they don't give us any number grades (even though we get number grades all semester with our tests). So, a B is anywhere between an 87-93. I figured out that I ended up with a 91.25..which normally would be an A..but nothing is normal at this school!

So, all in all, my cumulative gpa (with my other pre-reqs scores and such) is a 3.06 and my term gpa is a 3.1. Not nearly as high as I thought I would end up with..but I can't complain.

I'm on break now (Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year, etc., etc!) until next week so this week I plan on getting some pre-studying done. I start with fluid and electrolytes next week/semester (boring!) so I need to get a jump on everything. Pulled out my old A&P book and I'll get some reading done.

See ya next year!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The end is...HERE!

I cannot believe I am writing after my first nursing final exam! This semester has gone by so fast! But, I'm glad it's here because I need a BREAK! Albeit, 2 weeks break.

The final today was ok. The instructors gave us a blueprint of what would be on the exam..but nothing too specific. One instructor actually gave us the exact same questions from the unit exam..which was awesome! I waited for "Morgan" and "Candace" afterwards (I was the 2nd person done!) and duing the wait, as other people came out, we were comparing answers. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to end up with..I trust I didn't fail, though. There were 100 questions on the exam - 1point each - so you can only get 20 questions wrong to not fail. I don't think I got 20 questions wrong so I should be good.

Tomorrow is the pharm exam. 60 questions. So, 1 down and 1 more to go. Then I'm going to party, party, party afterwards! Ok..maybe not..but I'll definitely be relaxing!

Off to study for the last time in 2009! lol

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Last dance

Or rather last week of class and clinicals!! Which is exactly what it was this week. The first semester went by FAST! Of course, EVERYONE tells you that but you think you have so much time. Well, the time has run OUT!

I can't even say it's been rough..it's been ok. I started out on a high and then didn't do as well (didn't do as well means I didn't continually get As! lol) but I'm still doing well and I am looking forward to next semester (even though it's been said that it is the hardest semester. Teachers AND students alike have attested to that). I have 1 more unit exam and then 2 finals (for the general Nursing course and 1 for the Pharmacology course). I also have to complete a physical assessment and get my clinical evaluation. By December 16th, that will be all she wrote!

I hate to say it but I know everyone will not be coming back. And it will be interesting to see how that goes since the school is closing down. Time will only tell.

Well, I have a lot of studying to do so I'm going to get to it! :-)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Money, money, money, money.....MONEY!!!

I got the best news yesterday!!! I got a $5000 scholarship at my school!! That's right!! And I all had to do was remain beautiful and smart! lol Well, not exactly..but I guess technically so since all I had to do was write a letter regarding my need - which being I couldn't afford books this semester and I left my high-paying legal position (NOT!) to become a nursing student who worked full-time and went to school full-time. Sent that in and BAM! My bill for school was $5000 cheaper! The best part was "Morgan" was able to get the same scholarship too!

AND since I only owe like $600..my loan that I was getting anyway..that can cover those Benjamins. What oh what shall I do with the remaining money from my loan? Do I turn it back in and apply it to next semester (where I definitely do intend on applying for another scholarship at the school..may even use the same letter..lol) or do I go on a shopping spree?!?!


Friday, November 13, 2009

Who shot ya? And other fun updates..

It seems like it's been a minute since I've blogged but so much has been going on. Granted, it's about midnight now and after a long day of teaching non-stop-chatting 1st graders and clinical from 4 - freaking 11pm!..I'm beat! But here's the top 10 thoughts I've had since the last time we spoke.

1 - The semester is almost over!! Time has surely flown..flew..whatever! The last day of the semester is December 16th or so..and I have so much to do in between then! There are so many tests/quizzes in between now and then..my brain is going to spin out of control with info before the end of the semester. Speaking of which...

2 - Nursing school is a BEAST! Who knew that nurses needed to know all of this information! It's so daggone much! And it's like all of the information is loosely scattered in my brain and hopefully, it will all come together..some day..lol

3 - Even though it's crazy..I really enjoy nursing school and learning everything. I've always been interested in the human body and the way things work and the intricate patterns and workings..no one can know how a human body works and what it does..and not believe in a God. Simply not a coincidence. It's simply fascinating and the things I see sometimes blow my mind.

4 - And the things you see can be crazy! The #1 crazy thing for me are the stage wounds..even though I've seen enough for a life time! You always hear it's so important to turn your patients but people still don't do that in hospitals or nursing homes..but to see the result! You see my pics on here..would you like to be sitting on one of those wounds?? Yeah..didn't think so! Even better..would you like your MOTHER to be sitting on one of those?!?! I already told my mama..while there may be some great nursing homes out there, she is never, ever, EVER going into a nursing home..EVER! No matter what I have to do. Well, unless she starts acting up..and then I'll have to ship her off to Shady Pines or something..lol.

5 - People need to take care of themselves..and their liver/kidneys! The liver and kidneys are so important..and if you have liver or renal (kidney) failure..you're in a whole bunch of trouble! But, people just want to drink their livers away! And I'm not judging..not at all. But, when you see a patient who you originally thought was Hispanic or some other race but then find out he's just really, REALLY jaundiced (which aint just for babies) and is literally the color of Big Bird, AND he has ascites and you can literally see and feel his liver..makes you think about that Long Island Iced Tea!

6 - But you see patients that are really sad cases. Cancer is NOT nice..obviously. Kidney failure..bad motorcycle accidents...falls down stairs that leave someone with a subdural hematoma..strokes..you name it, I've probably seen it so far. Makes you so appreciative of your health and your families health. It could be so so much worse..

7 - But, I get to shoot people and that's always fun! lol I've given two subcutaneous shots! One of Lovenox and the other of Heparin - both anticoagulants...basically to prevent blood clotting/DVTs. My first guy was nice and easy..but my second one was pretty much wasted away and had no fat to grab. It was pretty hard to find a good "handle" but I got it and it was smooth sailing!

8 - I also got to hang 2 piggyback medications! The first time, I felt so stupid. While seeing someone hang an IV bag is one thing..once you're doing it yourself, you're like..um..what am I suppose to do first. First rule..always clamp after you attach the tubing to the bag. Don't want to turn it right-side up and whoosh..all the medication spills on ya! I did my second tonight and it was smooth sailing again. Even primed the line (got out all the air bubbles) perfectly. Boo-Yah! lol I also had the fun experience of catheters! I had the joy of taking out a foley catheter, even though at the time I was working as a nursing assitant and that was well out of the scope of my duties. However, the nurses I work with are super cool and they know I am a nursing student. So this particular nurse let me take one out, under their careful guidance and even more careful eyes. I also had the "pleasure" of putting on a condom catheter, this time while I was a nursing student and under the direction of my nursing instructor (as well as under her voice as she stated "It's just like putting on a condom!"). I mean, which it IS..but still..doesn't necessarily have to be announced! Especially since reason why we were putting one on was because the previous one had slipped off so we figured that it was too big. So, we got a smaller one..and then struggled with 4 hands to put it on. Nice.

9 - Nursing school is nothing without good buddies. I've met some awesome new friends in school. Some more awesome than others...LOL. I've already mentioned "Morgan". She's still hilarious and I know will continue to be throughout school. While she has this crazy, funny attitude that I can't properly describe, she has a really caring heart and I can tell she'll be a great nurse. A hilarious one too! I've also become really cool with another girl, "Candace". "Candace" is a super cool chick. She has a fiance' and baby..and is working on weekends. She actually started the program last year but had to retake the semester. I don't know how she felt at the time, but I know she's really glad she's with me and "Morgan" now..lol! Sometimes things happen and you never know why. And it may seem like a bad situation but all things work together for the good (of them that love the Lord, the Bible says). And I believe in this situation, this worked out for the really good because if "Candace" hadn't come back this year, we would have never had met and never would have had such a good time we're having now and will have for the rest of these 2 years!

10 - I need sleep! Which is what I'm going to do now..:-)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pass the drugs

Last night I got to pass medication for the first time..yay!! :D For some stupid reason, I thought we would just get the medication from the nurse and pass it to the patient..um, no. After checking the MAR (Medication Administration Record) for my patient, I had to get the medication from the password-protected medication cart (each patient has their own drawer on the cart)..do the 5 Rights (right medication, right dose, right patient, right time, and right route)..and watch her take it (it being metformin). Not bad! I got to also give her Alphagan, which is an eye drop. Pretty cool! Next week, we'll be practicing giving IM (intramuscular) injections and shortly after, will be giving insulin. Things are rolling right along.

One thing that you will see a LOT are decubitus ulcers (pressure ulcers/sores/wounds)..which is quite sad. I've seen so many of them! They occur over skin that breaks down when you stay in one position for too long without shifting your weight. They are a big problem for people who use wheelchairs or are bedridden, even for a short period of time. The constant pressure against the skin reduces the blood supply to that area, and the tissue dies. It starts as reddened skin but gets progressively worse, first a blister, then an open sore, and finally a crater. Literally a crater. The most common places for these ulcers are over bony prominences (bones close to the skin) like the elbow, heels, hips, ankles, shoulders, back, and the back of the head. A lot of the ones I've seen are the ones over the sacrum. Last night we had 2 patients that had horrible sores..1 of them you could literally stick your whole fist inside. And the other patient had them all over her body! She literally SCREAMED the entire time we tried to reposition her. Her skin was so dry and scaly, it literally flaked off. The hospital staff was suspecting elderly abuse..which is exactly what it is if it results in a pressure sore.

Here are some pics:

So you see why it's sooo important to turn your patients or even family members that are bedridden or in wheelchairs. Nursing homes are NOTORIOUS for bed sores/pressure ulcers..it's soo sad! Even sadder is that it's PREVENTABLE!! Just another thing healthcare workers have to deal with and are serious about...*sigh*

Now that I've ruined your breakfast/lunch/dinner..I'm off to go study! :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Another A...


2nd exam and I'm on a ROLL!! I gots to keep this up..wanna make Dean's list and score externships & scholarships. Ya'll know the deal!!

Ok...that's it! Time to study some more! Got the math exam on Wednesday and the next exam will be here before we know it!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The only thing constant in life....

is change. And there are changes going on every day! The biggest one is early this week, I found out that they are closing my nursing school. Without going into to many details, the hospital the school is associated with has decided there essentially isn't any need for diploma schools. While diploma schools were the entry way into nursing years and years ago, times are a' changing and now there is a strong push for the BSN (Bachelors of Nursing) to be the entry level into nursing. I've noticed since I've entered school for nursing, that there is this underlying need for nurses to feel "validated" as far as their educational background..as if they aren't professionals. So, maybe this is where this is all coming from. While I am totally for advancing your education within your field (I myself will be pursing a Master's in Nursing), I know a lot of diploma-prepared nurses that RUN CIRCLES around BSN nurses. I experienced that first hand while working at a city hospital years ago. I personally chose my program because of all of the clinical hours that we receive. But, that will all end with my class -- the last class of this school. The school will be taken over by a local college who doesn't have a nursing school. A bunch of BS to me..but whatever. As long as I stay on top of my studies during these 2 years (which will ultimately fly by), I will be good.

So, I'm off to studying again. MAJOR test tomorrow evening. And the math quiz had been postponed to this week..so I'll have that to overcome on Wednesday!

My job as a nursing assistant is going well. I like my manager and the nurses there. Time will be coming up soon when I'll be applying to externships and I plan on talking to my nurse manager in getting an externship in one of the ICUs since she's over all of them.

Back to studying I go! :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Just Keep Swimming...

Well, things are rolling right along with school..work..and life in general. I have now been totally acclimated to my nursing assistant job at the hospital. I only had 2 days of orientation with a preceptor (who was phenomenal!) and then the 3rd day, I was on alone..on a Saturday! My partner was not the best and not helpful at all..but I'm pretty independent anyway so I wasn't really affected by it. Working the 7am-3pm shift reminded me of the summer clinicals I had during the nursing assistant course, especially how much I HATE waking up early..but I'm getting used to it again. Somewhat.

I really like my floor. I'm working on the telemetry (cardiac) floor and we're right in the middle of SICU (Surgical Intensive Care Unit), MICU (Medical Intensive Care Unit) and CICU (Cardiac Intensive Care Unit). It's pretty cool. All of the nurses are pretty chill as well, except for 1. I had heard about her before I got to the floor but in reality, her bark is worse than her bite. I joke with her a lot so we're getting along fine..for now. Plus, some people are just the way they are and you have no choice but to accept it.

The patients are pretty funny. We had 1 patient (who I've had ever since I started). Apparently "Mr. Italiano" is a mobster..lol. One of the other nursing assitants claims she heard one day he was talking to his son (he's been a previous patient before) and the son told him that someone owed them $150,000. "Mr. Italiano" said that if that person didn't pay them soon..they would be "eaten by the fishes." Now, I don't know how true this story is..but it's pretty funny to hear this about a man who needs me to wipe his butt when he has a bowel movement. And those code browns, or rather in his case code "mushy black stuff" are NOT what's up..in the least way.

The hospital has a lot of patients that are up in the 80s and 90s (I do clinicals for school here as well). So, it's interesting to see how they view getting older and life in general. Around that time, people have lost many, many friends and family members and it's kinda lonely. Their children and grandchildren are busy making doing their lives as well.

Today, I had 2 patients, that were actually roommates, with a somewhat similar out view..but expressed it differently. My one patient (who was 90) expressed how she was 90 and how her sister lived to be like 96..but she didn't want to live that old. She noted how her children had their lives and she generally just reflected on her life. I asked her how long her parents lived and that just opened up a bunch of other stuff that I won't post. But, in general, it kind of was like a woe-is-me outlook. Her roommate on the other hand (which she actually spoke about when talking about life in general) was ready to die (which is what she told the first lady!). I was helping lady #2 (who I'm not sure how old she is but she looked older than the 90 y/o lady #1) get dressed because she was being discharged to a nursing home and she seemed really frustrated that she couldn't help me get her pants on. She was kind of hard of hearing and I could tell she was getting frustrated. She finally threw up her hands and said "Don't get old!" I was like..well, I want to get old! I don't want to die young! She just rolled her eyes! Then, when I finally got her pants up and was putting her little cover up jacket over her..she got frustrated with trying to put her arms in the hole. She then exclaims "I wish I would just croak!". LOL! The subject is not funny but the way she just said it..I started to laugh and was kinda like "No, you don't!" But, apparently she does if she even told her roommate! The things old people say...

With all that fun at the hospital, all is still going well at school. I got a 100% on my Pharm. quiz. Even though it was "just a quiz", it's worth 35% of my final grade! Exam #2 is like in 2 weeks and I need to get the ball on studying! We also had to do a Loss and Grief presentation on different type of losses. I chose the Loss of a neonate, infant or child. With all the experience I have with that (not personal but through family members and friends), I'm surprised I didn't breakdown! Even though I did tear up at the end of the presentation when the "In Remembrance" page came up with the list of my "angel babies."

We also had a Math Lab..OMG! I really dislike math!! It's all "nursing" math..converting milligrams to grams..how many milliliters are in a ounce..how many pills to give without killing anyone. It was crazy. Each question that had anything to do with digoxin, I was like killing the patient. I think you're only suppose to give like 1 or 2..and I was giving like 5. Nice. Anyway, the math test is next Wednesday. You have to get a 100% on it to give out medications (yikes! Hopefully, no digoxin!) and you only get 3 tries. I'll let you know if I pass the "How Well Can You Deal Drugs?" test! :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Just call me Mary..

I'm going to write this entry really quick because it's 11:30pm and I have to be at my new job as a PSA (Patient Service Associate..a really fancy way of saying Nursing Assistant) tomorrow morning at 7am. This has been a REALLY crazy and tiring week! Monday I worked as a substitute teacher and then that night, took my exam and had class. Tuesday, up early for 8am orientation for previously said PSA position..finished at 3pm..and then class from 5pm until 9:30pm. Came home...did clinical homework..studied for Pharm exam and then did some MedsPub (which I'll explain at some later time) until 1:30am. Today, up again for 8am orientation. Finished at 3pm..then clinical from 4pm until 10pm. So, I'm about to crash soon since I have to be up in a few hours.

I'm writing because I had the sweetest old lady today as my patient in clinical..but she touched me deeper than I thought she would. 94 years old..medical reason for coming into the hospital is really irrelevant (atleast for this story). What is relevant was that she was HOH (hard of hearing -- just trying to introduce myself was crazy. She didn't understand so somehow we ended up with Mary..so we went with that and that's what she called me for the entire night) and had very bad vision due to glaucoma.

I knew that she was not married and had no children and that she had a niece and nephew. But, when I asked about family visiting (trying to get her family/psychosocial background), she mentioned how no one had came to visit..or ever came to visit. She normally lived at home alone with a home health aide but due to different circumstances, was in and out of an assisted living facility. She had gotten ill and had to go to the Emergency Department in an ambulance and she stated how she had to ride in it alone. Also, about how her niece and nephew had so many excuses as to why they couldn't come and visit..and she started to cry. Mind you, as she's telling me all of this..I start to tear up but to see her cry just sent me over the edge. Now, I think it's because I'm PMSing that I'm so sensitive..I'm still crying hours later! But, it's truly sad how the elderly are so forgotten! How can you NOT come visit your own family..your own flesh and blood? Yeah..we're all busy..but come on now! Not even once?!?! She didn't mentioned that they lived far so I'm pretty sure they are around here somewhere..just so sad!

But, I did have a funny moment. She had mentioned that she had lost her hairbrush. She was brushing her hair when she was told that she would be moved from the previous floor she was on to the one she's at now. She remembered putting her brush in her tissue box but couldn't find it anymore. Of course, she can't see well so it almost seemed hopeless to her. So, me trying to help..I'm searching the tissuebox (obviously not there). I looked under her bed and felt around in the covers. I just happen to glance over to her little night stand in the corner and lo and behold, there's the brush as well as a comb. I shout with glee "I think I found it!" When I held up the brush and comb for her (within 2 inches of her face so she could see it), I'm telling you..it was like I told her I found a million bucks for her. I had to stifle a laugh when she replied "Oh, Mary! Thank you so much!" It was quite humorous because she replied like I really did find a million bucks for her! Hilarious but I could tell she really appreciated it and I was glad I was able to bring her that little bit of joy.

I visited her regularly through the eveing and told her that I would be back tomorrow. I start work at the same hospital as my clinical so I may try to go visit her during my break..but I'm wondering if that's getting too attached. I really wished I could bring her home with me. Even though my apartment is such a mess because it's been so neglected because of my crazy, busy schedule..but that's a whole 'nother topic!

Anyway, I'm off to bed..but not before I send up prayers of comfort for my patient. I feel like I really need to do that..

Monday, September 21, 2009

Who says As don't exist in nursing school?

Took my first nursing exam and I got an A!! Whoo-hoo!! A 96.3 to be exact! Given that an A is a 94 and higher..I'm pretty psyched!

Even though our grades won't be posted for another week, we were able to figure out what we got. The exam is 55 questions. We were told to mark our exams, fold them and leave them at our desk to go over later (we were actually told of this at the beginning of the semester). After we took the exam, we took a break for dinner (of course, as we ate...some of us ate together and went over questions that we remembered and potential answers). Once back to the room, we gathered our exams and were divided in groups and "re-took" the test..by comparing all of our answers. Once we kinda had a consensus (some of the questions, the groups were split over an answer), the answers were posted on the screen above.

I knew I got 2 wrong (our grades are figured out by # of right - 53..divided by total number - 55) but some of the questions were question marks for my group..but I had gotten those right. I'm so excited! I know the exams are going to get harder..and I'm going to have to study harder..and with working 2 jobs..it's going to be super hard. But, I am DETERMINED! I want scholarships..and a good externship..so I am going to do what I need to to get what I want!

Just because I got an A..the studying doesn't end! I am about to stay up for a bit to go over clinical work. I am SOO tired..but I need to do it because I have nursing assistant orientation tomorrow morning at 8am..until 4pm. And then class from 5pm until 9pm. It never stops! I had to work this morning too! But, I won't complain.

Here's to more As in my future!! :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 3

I'm in the middle of week 3 of school and things are definitely chugging right along. Our first major test is next Monday and I've already had a dream that I failed (anything below an 80 is failing). I know that's just my mind playing tricks on me but it's still nerve wracking to have that dream..or rather nightmare! I canNOT fail the first exam..not at all! I want to get an externship next summer and a scholarship for next semester. Both of those things depend on me doing well and I can't start off on the wrong foot.

I've been studying but not as much as I should, in my opinion. The thing is..as I mentioned before..nursing exams are not like exams that I'm used it. It is a lot of critical thinking and applying what we've learned...not simply knowing what primary prevention is..or what the nursing process is..but actually APPLYING them in certain situations. I'm just really nervous about this first test. I think once I get through it..I'll be more prepared for the rest of the exams for the semester.

We finally should meet our clinical instructor tonight after lab. After sunbathing in Greece for the past 3 weeks, I'm sure she's anxious to meet us..lol. Our substitute instructor started out cool but at the end of the last week..we were all ready to get away from her. I liked clinical during the nursing assistant course and I hope I can get back to liking them again once I meet our regular instructor.

Other than that..I'm just trying to adjust to my new life. I'm working as a substitute teacher, which is good because it's flexible. I can go in when I want but if I need to take a day off to study or do something, I can without any consequences. I also got a part-time job as a nursing assistant at the same hospital I'm doing my clinicals out..which works out great. Not so great that I'll be working at the crack of dawn from 7am - 3pm but since clinical starts at 4pm, I'll be right there after work. TI-RED..but at least I don't have to travel far. We'll see where I end up for clinical next semester..that might be a problem but we'll jump that bridge when we get there.

Well, I have the day off today until lab so I'm going to go get my hair done (even though it's raining!), clean up my room (which has taken a HUGE backseat to my schedule) and get my study on. Tiring..but well worth it :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Study Break

I'm taking a quick study break to update the blog. So far, things have gone well. We've FINALLY gone into the hospital for my clinical group. Our clinical instructor is still on vacation and won't be back for another week or so..go figure. So, we have a "substitute clinical instructor"..who is pretty cool. However, we're kinda behind the other clinical groups, especially the days program..since 2 times we were let out early because our sub instructor didn't show up. I think it was a matter of miscommunication..but still...

We started pharmacology last week and I can tell I'm going to like it. Granted, this semester, it's only 1 credit..and I won't be getting too deep into it..but I can already tell...learning about drugs will be interesting!

Last Thursday was our first time in the hospital since the nursing assistant course and it was cool. We didn't do any patient care but we were assigned patients and had to record almost everything about them..history of admission/illness..allergies..past health history..psychosocial/family history..medical management, etc. Then there were a million questions we had to answer - Did the patient develop further complications during hospitalization? How were they addressed? What is the patient's condition now? What are the important assessments to make? Yadda yadda ya. It's cool though..because I had to get really familiar with the chart! The hospital I'm doing my clinical rotation has computer charting too..but they also have the paper ones. Which is good and bad. Since I don't have full access to the computer charts, it's more bad!

We also started lab, which counts as clinical time. We basically got an introduction to lab last week. The lab instructor is HILARIOUS..I know I will enjoy the lab time well.

Well, that's all for now. The clinical paperwork is due on Wednesday but since I have awful handwriting, I'm re-writing all of my work. *sigh* Might as well get a start on it now..

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What a week...

This week has been my official entrance into school as a *drum roll please* NURSING STUDENT!

The first day was orientation. Even though I am in the evening program, all students (freshmen and seniors) had to attend from 9a to 2p. It was the standard orientation -- meet the faculty, look over the "Rules" book AKA school policy and procedures guidebook (which makes nursing school seem like Catholic school. For example, rules for clinicals -- "No hair on the collar! No colored nail polish, only clear! No anklet sock, must cover ankles! No hoop earrings, only posts! Don't dare let us see any tattoos!"), get our keys to our mailboxes, etc. The rules for class were basically common sense ones however the "No cell phones or texting" will be a killer for some students..lol. We also met our advisers and learned more about what to expect from our courses NURE 110/111. All in all, it wasn't boring to me but my pal "Morgan" from the nursing assistant course was bored to tears. She was yet bored when we heard about the MANDATORY Student Nurses Association convention that we have to attend in February. However, when we were told that we could sign up to be monitors for the convention (which happens to be held in Atlantic City) and get our rooms paid for..AND the time away would be classified as clinical time..she woke up..even if just for a moment :)

The next day was the first day in class. First, I want to just say..looking at the syllabus and calendar will make you go nuts. There are due dates highlighted and flagged all over the place. There is something on EVERY day! We have exams (4 that are 17% of our final grade a piece)..quizzes..presentations. Not sure if there are papers but I'm sure there's some somewhere up in the mix. And let's not even forget clinical. There's that and some other things that I've already forgotten that will be pass/fail. Did I mention that to get an A, you need a 94...yes, a 94! Anything below 80 is FAILING! Also, I don't have any of the books...a little too poor right now. I just have the book we used over the summer (or I should say rarely used). The first few readings are from that book so I have a little time..but just a little. I heard our med-surg book is like 50 lbs and can be used to workout with. I'm sure. I've heard notorious things about med-surg books! Luckily, our class has powerpoint presentations for each class so that is a type of saving grace. But, I still would like the books so I could look back and review. I'll get them soon enough.

Our semester is divided up into 4 units in which we learn about Professionalism, Wellness/Illness, Mobility and Safety/Protection. Very fundamentals of nursing. Which right now is boring..lol. In class, we learn the theory part - in clinical/lab, we apply those ideas. But, it definitely will be interesting. It's just the syllabus/calendar is very...busy! LOTS of reading! I thought I read a lot in college..this is not the same!

Another thing that is not the same, something that I've been warned about by other nursing students/graduates, as well as the professors at nursing school -- all tests are multiple choice but not the multiple choice that we're used to! Normal multiple questions consist of "What is the color of the sky?" A) pink B) yellow C) green or D) blue. Of course, the color of the sky can be any of these colors but in general, the answer is mainly blue, without a shadow of a doubt. In nursing school, it won't be that easy (not that we've ever had a question THAT easy!).

In nursing school, the question would be "which of these would a nurse do FIRST?" or "when dealing with a patient with diabetes, which lab results are most important?" Of course, with these questions, there could be many right answers..and usually, there are! But, the correct answer that the test is looking for is the MOST right answer. Crazy, right? No one wants to know the definition, structure or function of something. You're already suppose to know that! You will be presented with scenarios, hypothetical cases. You are suppose to answer with a nursing diagnosis and care plan. Rough, right?

Tonight, we started clinical..even though we didn't do much. We just did chart review. Since the hospital where I'll be doing my clinical rotation has computerized charting, and my school is associated with the hospital, we were able to access patient records right from the school. Since I worked at a hospital before which had patient information online (but still used paper charts at the time), I wasn't one of those that were oohing and ahhing or making comments like "Patient B was admitted for severe diarrhea..cool!" After going through the online charts, we were given a very old (1994) copy of a paper chart and were asked to find different information within the chart such as patient's age, medical history, allergies, type of surgery done, vital signs for a certain day/time, etc. It was pretty cool. We got to leave super early for some odd reason..so I didn't complain at all.

This weekend, I will spend time typing up my notes onto the powerpoint presentations for class..reviewing and making online flashcards. September 21st (my first nursing exam) will be here soon enough! :)

Monday, August 17, 2009


I received an IM from a friend of mine early this morning, who attended the same community college I did for Chemistry, that she received her grade today (in another class). I figured since school ended last Thursday..and it was a summer course..that my grade would be up soon..and it is!

I got a C..which is all that I had hoped for. Of course, in nursing school..my aim will not be Cs. I need scholarships..and an externship..so a C will NOT cut it. But, for a class that will not be factored into my nursing school GPA..a C is just fine!

Now, I will spend this week cleaning and completing a nursing school assignment (that is due the first day of class!) - getting ready for nursing school orientation next week. I can't wait!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's been so long!!

I'm back! I didn't forget about the blog..just things have been SOOO busy! And I didn't have a laptop so it was really hard to get on and post. However..it's a new day!!

I finally got a laptop!! So, there will be no excuses..well, except for times of homework..working 2 jobs (yes, TWO!)..readings..sleep deprivation..ya know..the usual.

Let's see..where did we leave off? Well, I was done with the Nursing Assistant course at my school at the end of July..and it was fantastic (I also passed..yippee!). It just confirmed my desire to go into nursing. I loved the time I got to spend with the patients..it was so rewarding! There were some funny patients! As well as some touching ones..I was assigned a patient with Parkinson's Disease because my clinical instructor knew that my dad has Parkinson's. Even though my dad isn't as bad as my patient's "Mr. Park", it really hit home when I had to feed him breakfast and lunch. I cried while feeding him breakfast! Luckily, no one came into the room, but later on when I told some of my nursing student friends, I started to cry again. I'm realizing, going into nursing, I'll be doing a lot of crying..

As I said, my dad isn't as bad as him but Dad was diagnosed young (in his late 50's) and he has some of the characteristics of those with Parkinson's (rounded face..shuffled gait..stiff muscles) and while feeding Mr. Park, I began to think of my dad in that state. Parkinson's is a degenerative disease..which means..there's no getting better. However, some people don't get as bad as others. We can only hope and pray for a cure real soon.

Right now, I'm taking a study break from Chemistry...oh my goodness..it is the WORST! This is the last week (tomorrow is the last day). We have/had FOUR exams this week! A lab quiz this past Monday, lecture exam #4 AND the department lab final tonight, and the department lecture exam is tomorrow. This isn't just regular Chemistry..it's regular, inorganic AND organic chemistry! All this crammed into 5 weeks! I'm just PRAYING for a C..that's right..a C!! That's all I need to pass and be done with it! And the professor isn't as bad as it was made out to be..but the class IS as bad as I was told.

Once I'm done with this..I'll be free to chillax until August 25th, which is when orientation starts! Yippee! I'll be officially in the evening program then after taking the nursing assistant course during the day with the day program students. But, I have a friend, "Morgan", who I met in the day nursing assistant course who will be in the evening program with me. I was ecstatic to find out that she'll also be in my clinical group next semester...yippee!!

This will be a busy semester..I have TWO jobs - substitute teaching and a part-time nursing assistant position at a hospital, while in school full-time. I have no choice but to work. I'm not working at all this month and won't get paid substitute teaching until 2 weeks after school returns..so a sista is a lil broke! But, I know God will provide..so I'm just trusting Him!

That's it for now! I'll let you know how I do in Chemistry soon!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

We're not in Kansas anymore...

Well, I finally got to a full-sized computer (thanks, Daddy!) so I can type about my experiences thus far..instead of relying on a blackberry!

So..what can I tell ya about clinicals... As you can probably guess..it's a whole different world being on the floor than being in the class and practicing your skills. Taking a person's blood pressure as well as their radial pulse and respirations (how many breaths they take in a minute) is EASY when you're doing it in a class room. Giving a bedbath and changing a bed..occupied and unoccupied..no problem. Get into a patient's room..a patient who weighs 300 lbs..and is attached to an IV..a heart monitor AND a foley catheter..yeah..it aint so easy Dorothy!

Our first day was a piece of cake. We didn't go into any patients rooms because one of the girls in my clinical group was not cleared medically. She was totally fine but of course..the hospital wants you all cleared for every disease imaginable! And that was totally fine with us..it was our first day. And most of the girls (in my clinical group. There are guys in the program as well..just my clinical group only consisted of 7 other girls) had never worked in a hospital. I've worked as a unit secretary before..but that was years ago. So, the first day consisted of learning where the cafeteria was (that was our first stop!)..taking our security pictures..going over our skills. No problem.

Day 2 was totally different. My first patient ever was sooo sweet! We washed her up in her bed and changed her linen..really catered to her. Before doing so though, she had to go to the bathroom. Thought she had to just do #1..and ended up doing #1 and #2. Since she had recently had surgery (we're on a surgical floor..more about that later), she needed some help with some..areas. So, on my first day, I officially wiped a poopy bottom! Luckily, she said she had the front as long as I had the back! lol She was pretty easy and she totally loved us :)

My second patient though...lol. I'll call her Ms. Smith. Ms. Smith was a bariatric (obese) patient who whined and moaned the whole time we were there helping her. She insisted that she was already clean..so we didn't do much bathing. But, the funniest part was when we started to wash her in bed. She was having a respiratory treatment so she had the mask on receiving the medicine. Apparently, the perfume in the soap we were using irritated her and she started gasping and moaning and saying she couldn't breathe. So of course we (my partner and I) start panicking. I tell my partner to go get the nurse and I proceed to help Ms. Smith. She insists she needs oxygen so I take the mask off and get a nasal cannula and proceed to attach it to her..so she can breathe. She starts to calm down just as the nurse is coming in. Ms. Smith proceeds to tell her what happened and the nurse ever so calmly walks over to the oxygen outlet and unplugs the respiratory treatment. She plugs the nasal cannula in and states (while laughing) "Now you have oxygen!" The whole time..there I am thinking I'm helping poor Ms. Smith breath..and she wasn't even plugged in..*sigh*. I couldn't touch the oxygen outlet anyway because while I have been introduced to it..in this pre-nursing course..I can't touch it. But, it was funny to still think I was helping. And even funnier when Ms. Smith started calming down..thinking she was getting oxygen..and she wasn't. Hmm..a little dramatic?

I've had some other cool patients..but it's hot now..so I must go..lol. Next week..I'm on my own..no partners!! I'm sure I'll have PLENTY to tell then! :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

SOO Tired!

I've finally completed my first week..and I am TI-RED. First, I'm typing this from my blackberry...my brother has the reverse Midas touch. Everything he touches breaks! Atleast when it comes to technology. He used my laptop for about 2 weeks. I get it back and it's completely useless. Laptop is completely dead and battery won't charge. I'm not totally upset because I need a new one...but still.
So this post will be short. I'l fill in more later.

I LOVE my nursing program! I love the history...my teacher..everything...even the other students...lol. My program used to be a 3 year program but converted to a 2 year program. The first course - a type of nursing assistant course - used to be held during the school year. But now, they require it before starting the program. So we started this week. We learned so much...how to do vital signs..how to mobilize a patient..all about HIPAA (I'll explain more later)...infection control..and the wonderful bedpans and urinals..lol. I started clinicals today. And while we did mainly orientation to the hospital stuff..we were evaluated by our clinical instructor (more about her later!) for our blood pressure-taking skills! Of course, I passed! :-)

I also started Chemistry this week with lab. This will be a MAJOR pain in the gluteus maximus! More about that later.

That's it for now! Once I buy my new laptop..which will be soon and VERY soon...I'll be back :)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Just Great...

I just read HORRIBLE reviews of the professor I'm taking for Chemistry on ratemyprofessor.com. I had read them before...but still! And I heard my clinical instructor for the nursing assistant course I'm taking is old school and expects a lot from her students..just great...*sigh*

Today is also my last day at my job..I'm really not that sad because I'll be in contact with my co-workers often. They can't get away from me even if they want to..which I know they don't want to! Lol

Can't wait to post after my first full day on Monday!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Got that A!

I just got my grade from Anatomy & Physiology 2 and I got an A!! Whoo-hoo!!!!! I kinda already knew I was going to get an A. My professor told me and a friend that we had guaranteed As and we didn't have to take the last exam. But, being the people we are..we took it. Besides, it was on the Male/Female Reproductive systems and who doesn't know THOSE systems! ;-) Just joking! It was also on the Endocrine system. But, it didn't matter because I already knew I had it in the bag!

So, I have completed both A&P 1 (ended up with a B+) and A&P 2. Next stop, Chemistry..and that should be a totally DIFFERENT story. Lord, help!

P.S. Here are some nice pics from my A&P 1 & 2 classes. Enjoy! :)

Sheep's brain

Eye see you!

My friend Gus (he's cool with Cinderella)

Gus and I bonding

Gus crossed me..so I had to do what any other woman would..I cut him...

I "heart" you!

Nice pair of lungs

The yellow stuff is fat covering the heart. The long "tube" is the trachea. Our professor (who is super cool) put a tube down the trachea..attached a plastic piece and asked if anyone wanted to blow! There were no takers (surprise, surprise) so he blew into it and it was cool to see the lungs collapse and fill with air!

Ahh...I'm going to miss A&P :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Allow me to introduce myself...

Welcome to my first post! Thanks for visiting! I decided to start a nursing blog because I've enjoyed reading about other experiences in nursing school and thought someone might enjoy reading mine! I will be entering nursing school in July 2009 (as of this writing, next month. Yikes!). I've worked corporate America jobs for about 6 years and have FINALLY decided to do what I was suppose to do 6 years ago..go to nursing school! However, I don't regret taking the road I did..because I've met some awesome people along the way who I now count as friends.

I chose the name "Destiny's Nurse" because we are all on a journey to our destiny..whatever it may be. The road leading to our destiny is sometimes more important than the actual destination. And I just thought it was a cool way to combine "Destiny" and "Nurse". So no..it's not a shout-out to Destiny's Child *wink
Also, I know I'll have some interesting stories to tell..so to protect the innocent, guilty and plain dumb...all names and identifiable characteristics will be changed.

There are various ways to become a nurse - Diploma program, Associates program, Bachelor's program, Accelerated Bachelor's program, Direct-Entry Masters program. I chose a diploma program for a various reasons - most important, I wanted to have as much experience clinically as possible. I also love this particular school's history and knowing that they produce some of the best nurses in the state..just confirmed my reason in choosing this school. I also can do a RN-MSN program when I'm done since I already have my Bachelors degree in a non-nursing field. I hope to one day become a Critical Care Nurse Practitioner..but we shall see!

That's about all for now! I'm going to enjoy my two weeks of freedom before the grind really starts :)